- cook up
- 伪造: forge; falsify; fabricate; c ...
- 虚构: fabricate; make up; fiction
- 虚构, 编造, 造出, 伪造: cook sth up
- 借来的, 伪造的, 虚构的: borrowed
- 虚构: fabricate; make up; fiction 虚构的情节 a made-up story; 虚构的人物 a fictitious character; 纯属虚构 an out-and-out fabrication; a sheer fabrication; be merely mythical; 小时候妈妈对我讲的那个故事是虚构的。 the story my mother told me when i was young is fictitious.; 虚构情节者 fabler; 虚构事件 pseudo-event
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